Back to Play Forests
Restoring resilience after the blast.

Square Meters
Native Species
Youth Impacted
Following the horrific blast on August 4, 2020, the city of Beirut was left devastated. These micro Miyawaki forests have been planted as part of the rehabilitation of school playgrounds through depaving and reintroduction of green spaces.
We hope that these beautiful forests will help to heal the community through the physical act of planting, educating the students on the different native species, and exposing them to forest ecosystems in the context of highly urbanized Beirut. These forests are not only contributing to the restoration of the schools, but also to a great city still in dire need of regeneration.
The project is helping three schools that have been heavily impacted by the blast, in collaboration with the “Let’s Play” initiative.
Forest Maker
Adib Dada
“Combining nature and play is a crucial step for healing from the trauma of the blast.”
Adib Dada, founder theOtherDada
Ecole Secondaire des Filles de la Charité - Achrafieh
Located in the centre of the school playground, this forest has many students interacting with it daily, not only enjoying this greenery but also learning about how the smallest pocket of Nature can thrive even in the most highly urbanised location.

Armenian Evangelical Central High School
This 2-year-old forest is growing well, with a positive survival rate of 90%. We often see wildlife in the forest, including birds, invertebrates, and insects.
We are working and communicating often with the school to ensure that the forest remains undisturbed, but can still be enjoyed by the children.

Zahret Al-Ihsan School