Activating Youth Leadership with GBL
Square Meters
Native Species
With GBL’s support, SUGi and our local Forest Maker, Nicolas de Brabandère are growing the SUGi outdoor classroom movement in Belgium. Together, we are bringing the wisdom of ancient forests and the symbiotic benefits of biodiversity back, and sharing the benefits with hundreds of local children, families, and teachers. Our partnership has not only allowed us to provide the capstone of a grand 50-year community restoration project in Pontisse, Belgium, but our collaboration with schools has helped to draw an indelible connection between hundreds of students and Nature, supporting their wellness for many years to come.

King Charlemagne Forest
Restoring ancestral forest in a dense village community. The creation of this Miyawaki forest, in Pontisse, Belgium, was the last piece in a 50-year community project involving a church, school, gymnasium, public garden and bicycle trail, amongst other things!

Tour & Taxis Forest
Tour & Taxis Forest is situated in central Brussels, near the vibrant, cultural hub that is the Tour and Taxis complex. This SUGi Pocket Forest supports biodiversity in a highly urbanized area and creates a corridor where wildlife can thrive. The density of the forest helps to reduce air pollution and allows local residents to breathe cleaner air. It also provides a sheltered, shady space to enjoy the sights and sounds of Nature, offering some respite from busy, city life.

De Ark
A forest learning center in Sint-Niklaas. The Ark is a primary school following the Freinet principle of ‘life learning’. Students can discover a vast living space full of wonderful creatures, stories, possibilities, communities, cozy corners and thrilling adventures.

Mandelwijk Forest
The ‘Mandelwijk’ is a social housing project that went through a recent renovation. The City Council of Oudenburg appointed SUGi to help further restore the community with a Miyawaki forest, forming part of their ‘Boomplusplan’ implementation.
The Mandelwijk Forest has improved the area’s biodiversity, urban resilience and contributed to the creation of a pleasant and healthy living environment - helping to leave a sustainable world for future generations.

Unity Forest
Unity Forest is an initiative by the horticultural department of the Institut Redouté Peiffer in Anderlecht, just outside of Brussels. 2,800 Sq m of open land was transformed into a dense, biodiverse forest in collaboration with two other local schools: Lycée Soeur Emmanuelle & École Raymond Van Belle.

Bee Forest
By creating a bee-friendly forest, we have successfully created a landing space for pollinators.
Bee populations are diminishing rapidly and alarmingly. By creating a tiny forest of specific native trees that flower successionally, we can offer the bees an almost continual food source, as well as their favored trees for winter hibernation.

Wilderness Schools
This initiative has created a sustainable legacy of four outdoor classrooms across Belgium: two in Flanders and two in Wallonia.
Through the planting of these SUGi Pocket Forests, schoolchildren have had the opportunity to learn about the importance of conservation, biodiversity, and ecosystems through interactive learning activities. With emphasis placed on the awareness of environmental issues and sustainable practices, the projects have offered education, nourishment, and inspiration.
This project, as a whole, has drawn an indelible connection between hundreds of students and Nature, supporting their wellness for many years to come.

St Joseph Forest
St. Joseph School has taken another step towards environmental sustainability by transforming a grassland into a vibrant pocket forest. Already a pioneer in eco-friendly initiatives — like solar panels, heat pumps, and local food programs — the school now aims to build biodiversity within its grounds. This project involved 175 students, turning the experience into a valuable hands-on learning opportunity. By actively participating in this green initiative, the students have gained a deeper connection to Nature and a heightened awareness of environmental stewardship.

Lys Community Forest
We are planting this pocket forest in a densely populated urban area, close to the Lys River.
The current site - a barren lawn adjacent to a residential apartment block - lacks any significant natural life and remains largely unused, particularly during the hot summer months due to the absence of shade-providing trees. This project aims to transform the space into a flourishing ecosystem filled with native plants such as Silver Birch and Common Hazel, offering a sanctuary for the 300 residents where they can reconnect with Nature. Children from the nearby primary school, Buitengewone Lagere School De Octopus, will also participate in planting and helping maintain the forest.

Sparrow Nest Forest
We are planting Sparrow Nest Forest at BuSo Ravelijn, a special educational needs (SEN) secondary school in Bruges that provides tailored educational programs for 120 students aged 12 to 20. The school will integrate this planting initiative into the curriculum, offering students the opportunity to participate in maintenance and Nature classes that foster their creativity and hands-on learning.
The forest will provide a soothing environment where students can unwind. Under guided supervision, the natural surroundings of the forest will promote relaxation and mental well-being. BuSo Ravelijn will integrate the forest into daily classes and activities, enriching the educational experience and reinforcing the benefits of connecting with Nature. The forest will boost local biodiversity, supporting insects, bird species, and small native mammals. As its name suggests, the forest will also provide a welcoming habitat for the resident house sparrows.